Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Whatever you can do, I can do too!!

THAT is the mantra of M nowadays. Despite being only 16 months and not even able to string two words yet, he behaves much like a 3-4 year old. He feeds himself during mealtimes, tries (unsucessfully) to dress himself and basically prefers to do things all on his own. He will let me know when he is hungry by pointing to the kitchen and pulling my hand in the direction of the kitchen and tell me he wants to sleep by pulling my hand in the direction of the bedroom. In short, taking care of him is a breeze coz he knows what he wants and he will let me know. No coaxing, no tears & hardly any raised voices.

Recently, he has also added to his list, the inate interest at doing the "adult" things we do. Whenever he sees me starting dinner preparations, he will take the placemats and place them on the dining table. (albeit haphazardly as he cannot even see the top of the table) He so very much wants to be helpful so we usually let him do so and even praises him for his effort. His current favourite activity is cleaning up the house.
http://images.multiply.com/multiply/multv.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="420" FLASHVARS="first_video_id=dabelem:video:12&base_uri=multiply.com&is_owned=1" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" quality="high">

7:23 pm | 1 comments
