Monday, October 30, 2006

33 and counting.....

I walked out of my gynae's office on Sat smiling from ear to ear and if not for that not-so-lil' bump on my tummy I might just have done a little skip and a dance. Hehe. Routine scanning shows Baby Muhammad has turned. His head is now at the right place just waiting for the time to be engaged (not-so-soon the doc says!) My placenta which was slighly low during the last month's scan has moved up and I'm in prime position for normal labour! Insya'allah!
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For two weeks now I have been feeling what I thought was his head at my navel area, prodding and kicking and sometimes causing my belly to look lopsided when he chose to push his way up. With the scan we know now that what we had been feeling was his feet /knee. I told the doc it was huge and rounded and heavy like a head or a buttock so purely for our amusement the doc did a scanning measurement of the feet and guess what! His feet alone is 7cm already!!!! I do not have big feet and neither does The hubby ...I wonder where he got his Ronald McDonalds feet from?
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Currently Baby Muhammad stands at 2.3kg. He is slightly above average weight-wise although the doc says my chances for normal are as good as anyone's. Insyallah. My iron level has improved tremendously, everything else is also a-ok although I have been suffering from severe heartburn and sleep is a luxury for me these days. I have had to resort to sleeping in a semi-upright position, with pillows all around me. I can't seem to eat rice since I will end up with excrutiating heartburn so its noodles n bread for me nowadays. Other than that I guess I'm alright. And super excited waiting for the arrival of Baby Muhammad.

11:55 am | 5 comments
