Friday, June 30, 2006

Sings..."Its my baby and I can shop if I want to..."

I have been reading voraciously on pregnancy and parenting even way before I got knocked-up (hehe I love that word) I have amassed quite a collection and those books that were interesting yet not quite worth buying I have been borrowing from the library. I was there last night with Lisa, my library buddy, and I found this gem of a book. It's written by the wife of the Naked Chef, Jamie Oliver and its a diary of sorts chronicling her difficulties in conceiving at first, her pregnancy, even the birth of her 2nd child. (They have 2 gorgeous girls and a boy) I was incredible attracted to the journal style of the book. (I didn't realise who the author was till Lisa pointed it out.) And after so many theoretical and serious info-based books, I was more than ready for some light-hearted take on the whole pregnancy thing. I haven't been able to put the book down since I brought it home.

So yes.. my baby is moving!!! Hubby practically exclaimed in disbelief when I told him the baby can't be moving already. I must have been in denial all this time thinking I'm still in the early stage of my pregnancy. Maybe its the fear of labour.... maybe its the fear of not being able to handle a baby maybe.. but now I'm back in reality. I'm super excited and I can't stop talking to baby. Suddenly the baby seems so real and I can't help but wish it'd been sooner. I'm all geared up to start shopping and hubby has actually agreed to go with me tomorrow!!!! I bet he knows that there's no stopping me once I start but maybe he has had a memory lapse. Whatever!!! His loss--> My Gain!!!


12:04 pm | 1 comments


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Baby likes World Cup too???

The past few days after ten, when I settle on the couch to watch the night's matches with hubby I sometimes feel uncomfortable. I feel spasms of discomfort on the lower abdomen every few minutes. And last night, as I touch my stomach to smoothe the pain I felt my abdomen rock hard at one particular spot. Seconds later, the hard spot has moved a couple of inches away but unmistakably there. I quickly consulted my mom, and she said its probably the baby and I have begun to feel him. I think my eyes widened in incredulity and my mother laughed looking at me. I mean can it be true? Can I feel the baby already? It could be wind, no?

I think I'm relatively still in the early stages of pregnancy. This Friday I'll be 16 weeks only (4 mths) Can you actually feel the baby move yet at this stage? Its so exciting but quite overwhelming, I must say. These may be completely psychological, but when I soothe my hands over my abdomen and talk gently to my baby, he tends to settle down. It works even more wonders when its hubby who does the soothing. He not only calms the baby down but me too. The baby seems to be particularly active during the time I am watching the matches on tv. Hubby seems to think his child is as excited as he is about the World Cup. As if!!!!!
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9:45 am | 2 comments


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Flu.. Flu... Go Away......

I'm down with the dreaded Flu. While I'm quite used to the sniffling and the runny nose this one came with all the accessories attached - headaches, body aches, fatigue, feeling feverish etc etc etc. Usually such symptoms dissapear within a day or two but this time it looks intent on staying a lil' while longer. Hubby and Umi can't seem to see me suffer and keep suggesting I go see the GP and ask for some mild medication approved for pregnancy but I really really don't think it's worth the risk. I think I'll sit this one through ..after all flu is a self-limiting condition ie it will run its course... sooner raher than later I hope.

Most medicines cross the placenta and go into the blood of the foetus.
The foetus cannot always get rid of the medicine as easily as the mother can, so they may receive higher doses than the mother.
Medicines can affect the foetus at any stage through the pregnancy, not just the first trimester.

Remedies you take during pregnancy or breast feeding may affect your baby, but some medicines are thought to be safe in pregnancy and breast-feeding. Your pharmacist or doctor can advise you on what you can take.

If you take regular medicines talk to your doctor before becoming pregnant so that you can plan the safest use of your medicine during your pregnancy.
Do not stop your regular medicines without talking to your doctor. Depending on why you have been prescribed the medicine, you and/or your baby will often have lower risk if your medical condition is under control with medicines. The dose of some medicines can change during pregnancy.

It is hard to know with many medicines and natural remedies if they are absolutely safe in pregnancy because it would not be ethical to do studies during pregnancy for most remedies.

By the time you have had a positive pregnancy test you may be anywhere from three weeks to two or three months pregnant. This means you may have taken medicines or had alcohol without realising you were pregnant.

Cold or Flu paracetamol can usually be taken for pain and fever. Drink plenty of water. Use a saline nose spray or steam inhalation for a blocked nose. If you can, put up with the symptoms, if you can't put up with the symptoms ask your pharmacist or doctor what to take. Don't take anything without checking first.


9:47 am | 2 comments


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I Dream A Little Dream....

I had a very vivid & weird dream yesterday. I dreamt my hubby brought me to the Turf Club. At first i thought he just wanted a look-see then he actually went to a booth and placed a bet much to my surprise. I was too shocked seeing my God-fearing husband do such an uncharacteristic thing that I was lost for words. He then showed me the receipt and I saw the name of the horse he betted on. It was LUCKY.

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was to go the turfclub website and check if there was a horse by that name. Lo and behold... there was a horse by that name!! When I told him about it he laughed out loud and said maybe we should bet anyway who knows we might strike it big!! As if!!!! hehehehe

Apparently in pregnancy you are bound to have weird dreams. My cousin used to dream of her husband having affairs all the time and end up waking up picking a fight with him. The things a pregnant woman has to go through sure is strange. Here's some info on dreams in pregnancy

Why am I having such vivid dreams?

Pregnant women have always had very strange, vivid dreams, especially in the first trimester. Experts attribute the vividness of these dreams to hormones, a shifting sense of your physical self and emotional stress. Many people consider dreams to be a mirror of your emotional state. Because you have a lot of powerful emotions when you're pregnant, it seems fitting that your powerful dreams reflect your situation.

Keep a dream journal while you're pregnant. This can help you work through some of the dreams you have, especially if you find them disturbing. Some women love their new vivid dreams, and see it as a free movie every night. Whether you love or fear your new dreaming state, your dreams will return to normal after labour.

Source: Babycenter

9:52 am | 0 comments


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm Back With A Bang!!!

Having safely passed the 12-week mark, I'm happy to say that I have regained most, if not all of my energy back. I no longer snooze like a clockwork at 10.30pm every night and I am not listless like a rag doll no more. My energy is back!!! Woo Hoo!!! For a few nights I even managed to stay up past midnight n chat on MSN while Hubster was busy or away. That is a real achievement for someone whose whole purpose in life a few weeks ago was sleep, sleep and more sleep. If my hubby used to complain that I sleep so early and leave him high and dry now he's begging me to let him sleep so that he can go to work the next day. How fast the tables have turned! Someone should tell him to be careful what he wishes for. Hehe

ALmost every night now I feel a tightening of my stomach. Its quite bad such that even a light touch on my tummy can send me yelping. It doesn't last very long thank god and though it's painful it's not I-need-the-doctor painful. I have been searching the net to find the reason why but haven't been successful. Could it be that my tummy is expanding? Expert mummies out there ... any of this ever happened to you?

On another note, I have been shopping shopping and shopping - window shopping that is. Since I am still not allowed to buy anything for the baby. I brought Umi to Mothercare, Centrepoint last week and I watched her resolve to not buy anything melt right in front of my eyes. She used to say we can only buy after 7 mths now she says let's start buying after we know the gender. Hehehe.

2 more months to go........

10:22 am | 1 comments
