Friday, April 28, 2006

Have mercy on me!!!

I cooked my favourite dish last night ayam masak cili padi and was ravished by the time I finished cooking. But halfway through dinner, the food on my plate looked so unpalatable to my eyes that I just had to stop eating. No I wasn't nauseous but I felt like there was air trapped inside my throat and if I insist on puhing down more food down my throat, I'd surely puke it all out. I don't know how to exactly describe it. Perhaps those who have been pregnant knows what I am talking about. I was so dissapointed that I couldn't enjoy my favourite dish.

It was almost midnight when I suddenly felt hunger pangs return with a vengeance. I Had no choice but to have some rice. UUrrghh!! I hate this period of uncertainty. The feeling of wanna eat / can't eat /don't wanna eat / feel like eating everything. I feel so weak and so whiny, like some bimbo who can't make up her mind!! UURRGHH!!!! And what irony this is coming at a time when my appetite is nothing short of voracious.

Anyway I'm gonna be off again soon. This time to Malacca and Kl, Malaysia. As you know Hubby and I never let a public holiday go by without a trip to somewhere. It seems so wasted staying at home especially when there is nowhere inteersting to go in Singapore and nothing good is ever showing on TV. This time we'll be going with my girlfriends, Lisa & M. I don't know how long more I'll be able to travel according to Singapore & Malaysia regulations so I better travel all I want before they say I can't. hehe. If I usually make detailed itineraries of shopping places, this time I have drawn up a detailed list of places to eat throughout the 3 days we'll be there. There are so many yummy food there I wanna try that even talking about it is making my mouth water. I sure hope I don't get any of my "can't eat" syndrome.

I'm already in holiday mood. Counting the hours till the clock touch 6 and then HOORAY!!!! Its a Holi.. holiday!!!!!

2:58 pm | 1 comments


Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Mother of all .....

I have been looking for a pregnancy organizer and when I went to Borders last Monday, I couldn't find anything I fancied. I spoke to my pregnancy "mentor" Liza and she recommended the one she bought for her own pregnancy. She bought it at Borders too. I called them to ask if they had it in their store and whoopee they did!!!! (funny how I saw about 10 different organizers but didn't see this particular one)

I asked my dear friend Lisa if she would so kindly go get it for me and she did even better. She asked if I would mind if she wanted to buy it for me as a gift. "Kecil tapak tangan Stadium World Cup ku tadahkan." Hehehe To say I was overjoyed would be a gross understatement.

I loved everything about the organizer. It had ample space for me to write my thoughts and succint information about pregnancy, labour & delivery to have at my fingertips. The best thing about it was the small cutesy size such that it was portable and I can bring it along with me anytime.

I have yet to actually fill in anything. I plan to do so today. Let's just hope the juice doesn't run out halfway and I will keep writing in it for the whole of 9 mths.

3:03 pm | 2 comments


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Thank God For Understanding Husbands

Ever since I took that pregnancy test and found it positive, my dearest hubby has been extra attentive and helpful. He has always been very helpful around the house but now, even more so. He does the laundry, everything from washing to hanging and to taking it down, cleans up after I cook, sets the table and does the dishes. Its almost like I hardly do anything anymore at home, except cook. Even then he doesn't let me cook every day and takes me out for dinner almost every other day, and orders take-out food like Pizza everytime somebody calls to come over.

I have been so tired that coming home from work, I sometimes hardly feel like doing anything. (what's new right?) I wonder how all those women who have to do everything themselves cope ? What about those who have to do everything themselves and have older children to take care of? I shudder to think what will happen to me if I didn't have such a supportive and loving husband.

I suddenly remember my conversation with my aunt who has 5 kids, all about 2 years apart. I asked her whose decision it was to have so many kids? She said it was mainly my uncle's decision and she was quite taken aback when he first mentioned. But throughout her first pregnancy, my uncle did everything for her and she lived like a queen. After her child was born, he woke up during night feedings and he basically helped out in every aspect when he was home. So my aunt said she didn't mind having 4 more. My uncle is very sweet dun u think? Suddenly I wonder if my hubby has such plans ??? *OH NO!!!* But sweet or not DEFINITELY NO 5 KIDS FOR ME!!!

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9:26 am | 2 comments


Tuesday, April 25, 2006


My first prenatal check up with my OB is this Sat. We're both kinda excited coz for the first time we will be able to see the baby on the screen in the very first ultrasound of my pregnancy. We have been waiting a very long time for this check up and so wanted to go earlier but was advised not to by the GP as anytime before 8 weeks, the scanning will not be able to detect the heart beat of the foetus and we'd only have to come again. (Oh by the way after 8 weeks now its called foetus instead of the clinical term embryo used before)

The question I have been asked most is if I have started "morning sickness" yet. To date, thank God, I haven't had any. And I have had no cravings for any particular food yet too. But I have been experiencing a little heartburn and lotsa gas. Its weird how many times I can burp in a day, not to mention gas escaping via the alternative route too. hehe. I swear I can hold a one-woman concert if I am asked to. Its not too bad I guess at least its better than retching my guts out although it can be really embarassing at times. (Not to mention I'm the butt (oops pun unintended!) of His jokes and whenever there is a sound, he will look at me and think the sound is coming from me!)


Most pregnant women suffer from bloating and increased gas in the belly at some point during pregnancy. Gas can cause abdominal pain or discomfort.

Causes of Gas During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, hormones relax the muscles in your digestive tract. This slows down your digestion and can cause gas to build up. Gas leads to bloating, burping, passing gas, discomfort, and pain in the belly—especially after a big meal.

Certain foods can make gas worse. But these vary from person to person. Some people naturally produce more gas than others. Some people get a lot of gas from foods that don't bother others.

In general, some starches (such as pasta and potatoes), some fiber-rich foods (such as oat bran and beans), and foods that contain certain sugars (such as cabbage and cauliflower) cause gas for many people. Women who have trouble digesting dairy products may have bloating and gas when they eat more of these products during pregnancy.

Gas: What You Can Do
The following suggestions may help prevent excessive gas:

Reduce the amount of air you swallow. Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of a few large meals. Don’t eat in a hurry. Take your time, chew your food thoroughly, and don’t talk while eating. Avoid drinking from a bottle or straw. Cut down on carbonated beverages. Don’t gulp while drinking. Avoid chewing gum or sucking on hard candy.
Identify foods that bother you. Keep a food diary to help you find the foods that cause problems. Cut back on these foods, if possible, while being sure to eat a healthy diet. Cut back on fried and fatty foods, which can add to bloating.

11:37 am | 2 comments


Monday, April 24, 2006

Sleeep ZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzz

I called in sick today. I think I overworked myself yesterday. I have done it before with no problems whatsoever but this time I think I zapped all my energy. By the end of the day I was so drained I started being grouchy. I made arrangements to go visit my sister and my favourite niece and nephews but at the same time He made arrangements for us to visit his parents and help out in cleaning their new house. So in the end, not wanting to disappoint any party, we went to both. On top of that, in the morning, I went to the market, I cooked and I did a spring cleaning of our house.

I have been feeling very lethargic of late but this was the worst case so far. I called my mom in Pahang and she offered to come back immediately to help out so that I don't have to do housework anymore but I prevented her from coming back. She might not get a chance to travel for a long while after this what with my later stages of pregnancy and her taking care of me and baby after my delivery so here's her chance. And to prematurely end it seems so selfish on my part especially since its my own fault that I over-estimated my energy levels. I hope I didn't make her unduly worried.

The people most excited about my pregnancy, other than my dearest Hubby of course, must be my in-laws. They can't seem to stop talking about the baby. My MIL & SIL seems to think I might be carrying a girl as she said I look radiant. I beg to differ. Since I have been preggers I feel like dishrag. And I'm beginning to feel I look like one as well. My constant fatigue makes dressing up such a chore and I even skip the lipstick - eyeliner - mascara routine sometimes before I leave the house.

So if u'll all excuse me, I'm gonna take some ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZzzzz as you guys continue working that keyboard in your respective offices. I'll be back tomorrow.....hopefully!!!

10:43 am | 2 comments


Friday, April 21, 2006

Milk For The Milk Factory???

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We went grocery shopping yesterday and He bought this for me. There were qite a few to choose from but my sis ever told me that Anmum tastes like plastic (her description) so I couldn't decide between this one and Enfamama. Having no reference, I just hantam chose this one. But we bought a small tin just in case it's not yummy we'll take another one next time.

I have no aversion to milk. But I definitely so wanted the choc flavoured one. But He persuaded me to take the vanilla one. Something tells me he is afraid our child wil be dark like chocolate. hehe.

The milk is ok but funny thing is when He used hot water to make the first cup, the milk ended up in bit n particles that I had a hard time passing through my throat. The second time he used cold water and it was much better. He even bought me cereal so that I will drink the milk in the mornings too.

I surfed through some forum today and I realised Enfamama is the more popular choice. Maybe I'll give it a try in the next round.

2:08 pm | 3 comments


Thursday, April 20, 2006


I was on the train this morning and as soon as I sat down, I smelled bad breath. At first I thought it was mine so I took out a sweet (Hacks Honey Lemon) But the smell persisted. I turned slightly to my right and whooah I felt like I was being slapped by the strong smell. The guy sitting next to me was smartly dressed but he must have forgotten to brush his teeth or else he just has very bad hygiene. I spent the entire train ride turning my face to the left or looking down so that I didn't have to breathe the smell in. I doubt anybody else on the train actually smelled the foul odour. Just me and my newly found sensitive nose.

I've always had quite sensitive nosing abilities. For eg, I can smell alcohol from a distance away and I'm always the first to detect B.O on somebody but now the sensitivity of my nose has reached gargantuan proportions. If I can smell the insides of a person mouth without that person opening his mouth..that's serious!!!
Oh the perils of pregnancy!! But at least the smells do not make me nauseous. (yet)

Heightened Sense of Smell
The nose knows, especially when you’re pregnant. Here’s how to cope when your sense of smell sends you running for the hills (or the bathroom!).
What it is: During pregnancy, lots of ladies become more sensitive and reactive to the scents around them.

What causes it: As with so many pregnancy weirdnesses, when it comes to your heightened sense of smell you can blame those hormones again. In this case, it’s estrogen that can make every little scent that wafts your way feel like an all-out assault on your nostrils.

What you need to know about it: Almost every pregnant women notices a change in her sense of smell; it’s how significant that change is, and how it affects you, that makes all the difference. For instance, scientists have hypothesized that for some women, it’s this heightened sense of smell that leads to morning sickness. (One study even found that women born without a sense of smell — a condition called anosmia — don’t suffer from morning sickness when pregnant. Almost makes you want to cut off your nose to help your stomach, doesn’t it?)

What to do about it: You can’t cut off your nose, but you can try to avoid scents that drive you crazy (especially those that ramp up your morning sickness symptoms). Some strategies to try:

Cook (and eat) only those foods you can stand to smell. (Brussels sprout? Probably not.) Leave your windows open whenever possible to banish cooking or musty odors. Wash your clothes more often then usual, since fibers tend to hold onto odors.
Switch to unscented or lightly scented toiletries, cleaning products, etc.
Ask the people around you to be extra considerate: Request that friends and coworkers go easy on the fragrance and, of course, avoid people who are smoking. Try to surround yourself with those scents (if there are any) that actually make you feel better. Mint, lemon, ginger, and other herbs are more likely to soothe your nausea than they are to make it worse.

10:18 am | 3 comments


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


This morning as I was sitting on the bed staring at the contents of my wardrobe, I thought I made a very smart move by choosing my green baju kurung. Since the baju kurung is loose-fitting, I thought I'd be more comfortable and I won't have to deal with the marks on my waist caused by my ever-tightening pants I usually wear to work. When I looked at the mirror after dressing, the baju kurung was a little snug in the tummy area and then I realised there was a small bump on my tummy. Already??? So soon?? Oh No!!!! Looks like I will have problems getting into most of my clothes soon. Its way too early to invest in new clothes maybe I should start pilfering from Umi's wardrobe hehe.

I so wanted to change into something less obvious (since nobody in the office knows yet and I do not intend to announce my pregnancy anytime soon) but He insists I keep it on. He keeps saying we are running late but that gleam in his eye tells me he would much rather see the bump. Wait till I look like I swallowed a basketball then we'll see how he feels!!!

Since a week ago, ever since I found out I was preggers, I realised when I needed to eat I needed to eat that very instant. Its like hunger pangs of the extreme kind, like I haven't had food for 3 days. But apparently thats not the worst of it. Yesterday we were running late in the morning (as we usually are) and we didn't have time for breakfast. I downed one cup of Milo and didn't think much of it. At 11.30am, I began to feel my stomach rumbling. It was still an hour and a half to lunch and if I ate something heavy now I'd surely be too full for lunch. By 11:45 the hunger pangs was so unbearable. It felt like the insides of my stomach was being clawed at so I took out the Julie's Love letters I keep a stash of in my drawer and began munching. One packet was not enough to satiate my pangs neither was two but since it was a little bit better, I endured it till lunch.

During lunch, I was so hungry still, I ordered quite a few dishes from the nasi Padang stall but halfway thru eating, I lost interest and left the remainder unfinished. I called Him to tell him of my predicament and as expected, he became worried that I was hungry and I didn't eat. So on the way home we stopped by the grocery store and He bought all of these for me to keep in the office with strict instructions not to share. hehe
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Lisa U were right. This is a mini grocery store. hehehe

9:23 am | 1 comments


Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm Loving It !!

I'm back from the road trip. My original intention was not to tell anyone but as you all know good news is very hard to keep a secret. He broke the spell by telling my uncles, then my cousin pulled me aside and asked if anything was wrong with me. She said I look tired and listless (actually she used the word lazy) and said she has never seen me without makeup (at least lipstick) but the two days she had seen me I didn't have a trace of any facial paint on. (*Mental Note: I must put in effort to upkeep myself in the looks dept no matter how exhausted and drained I feel) So she ended up being the first to know and then the flood gates went wide open.

By the end of the day, all of my aunts and uncles + cousins and 2nd cousins had pulled me aside one by one and asking why I didn't tell them personally and asking how far along I was. As I expected they were very happy for us and some even chidded us for daring to take the long road trip during such early days yet. We grinned and smiled. They made jokes about how He looks more pregnant than I am and how in some cases, its the husbands who ends up having cravings and nausea instead of the pregnant wife. Let's hope I'm one of those lucky ones.

Everybody refused to let me help out with anything, so the whole time was spent sitting around and mingling with relatives. I was very fine throughout the 4 days we were there except the fact that I tire easily and midway through the wedding I disaapeared to the parking lot to catch some winks in the cold comfort of the air-conditioned car.

What I loved most was the way He took such great care of me. All of the way to Pahang, He drove at a record speed of 100km/h only. Thats a feat (and a huge sacrifice) considering the speed demon that he is. And he booked a hotel room just for us, not too far away from my cousin's place, for us to spend the night so that I would be comfortable and not squeeze with the rest of the relatives at my aunt's house.

The wedding was held over 2 days. On Saturday at the bride's home (my cousin) and on Sunday we were supposed to travel together to KL for the groom's reception. The plan was to leave as early as 8.30 in the morning to head for KL so that we would arrive on time at noon. After the ceremony ended on Saturday evening, He proposed that we take a head start to KL that night itself so that I do not have to rush with the rest early the next morning. So off we went and on Sunday instead of having to wake up at an ungodly hour to get ready, we had a leisurely morning and got ready just in time to join the rest of them at the groom's reception at noon.

The groom's family didn't quite make adequate preparations to receive the guests from the bride's side so we all ended up waiting in a hot and stuffy lounge area of the hall they were having the reception at. We were all perspiring and were quite irritated with the shoddy reception we had been given. He took me aside and led me back to our car where we waited in the cool comfort of our car instead.

I beamed with pride whenever I think of how well He is taking care of me. He is ultra attentive and always puts my comfort a priority. I'm very grateful and think indeed I am lucky to have him as my husband. So far, I love being pregnant!!!!!!!

8:16 pm | 3 comments


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Road Trip

My cousin's wedding is this weekend, in Pahang, Malaysia, a good 6 hours drive away. The distance has never been a problem for us as we go back almost one weekend every month but now that I'm preggers and so early yet, I wonder if I can take the distance. Dun get me wrong, I really wanna go but if its risky to our baby then I'd rather not. After all they certainly dun need my presence to become man and wife.

So I consulted the website most pregnant ladies swear by and here's the answers I got:

Are long car trips safe during pregnancy?
There's no reason to avoid car travel when you're pregnant, provided you plan extra stops for toilet and stretching breaks. However, once you reach the end of your pregnancy, you may prefer to let your partner drive as, by now, your bump will be very close to the steering wheel.

What's the best way to wear my seatbelt?
Never travel in a car without a seatbelt while you are pregnant. Provided it is properly fitted, it will help protect you and your baby from harm should you have an accident. The lap belt should lie snugly under your bump and across your pelvis. Always wear your shoulder belt, too. This should fit snugly over the top of your bump and between your breasts. Never wear the belt across your bump as a sudden jolt could cause your placenta to separate from your uterus. If the belt cuts across your neck, try repositioning your seat so it fits better.

Remember, your body — and the amniotic fluid in your womb — provide a cushion for your baby and help keep her safe. That means the best way to protect her is to protect yourself — by wearing a seatbelt.

Are airbags dangerous for pregnant women?
Airbags are safe during pregnancy as long as you buckle your seatbelt correctly (see above) and move your seat well back from the dashboard or steering wheel. You can also realign the seat slightly if necessary. If you're sitting in the driver's seat and the steering wheel is adjustable, tilt it downward to get it further away from your belly. If you're on the short side and it's hard to reach the steering wheel or pedals, use a cushion to raise yourself higher in the seat.

If you do crash, your seatbelt will help restrain your upper chest and keep you away from the steering wheel. The airbag helps spread out the force of the crash.

What should I do if my car hits another car?
In severe accidents, of course, you'll be taken straight to hospital. Even if the accident seems minor, it's best to get checked out by a doctor just to be safe. Rear-end collisions, for instance, can be extremely jarring. A mother's body does a good job of protecting the placenta from sudden impact, but if the jolt is severe enough, the placenta could separate partially or completely from the uterus without you necessarily noticing any symptoms. If you have contractions, pain or bleeding after an accident, see a doctor as soon as possible. Do mention if you have a rhesus negative blood group, as you may need to have an anti-D injection.

Will pregnancy make me more prone to travel sickness?
If you're having morning sickness, extended car travel may aggravate your nausea. But in general, being pregnant doesn't make you more likely to have travel sickness.

How can I stay comfortable while travelling by car?
Sitting anywhere for long periods of time can make your feet and ankles swell and your legs cramp. Keep your blood circulating by taking a break from driving at least every 90 minutes (although you may need to stop more often than that for toilet breaks!). Pull into a service station to walk around and do some simple stretches. If you're sitting or standing, extend your leg, heel first, and gently flex your foot to stretch your calf muscles. When you're sitting, rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes.

It pays to be extra prepared for breakdowns and other emergencies, too. Unless you fancy the prospect of changing a flat tyre with a huge bump, consider carrying a mobile phone and joining the RAC or AA. Keep a supply of warm clothes, a torch and some snacks in the boot of your car, just in case. Always carry some water for drinking, too

So I think I'll put my fate in God Almighty and make that journey. After all He is gonna be the one driving and If there is anyone in the world I feel completely safe with, its Him. So please doa (pray) for me aplenty and I'll tell you how it went when I come back on Monday, Insy'Allah.

5:39 pm | 2 comments


Gem Of A Book

I went to the library with Lisa last night in the hope of finding some books on early pregnancy. We spent quite a long time at the "Family and Childcare" section and I found quite a few gems.

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The best book I picked out was this light-hearted take on pregnancy yet no less informative called "The Girlfriend's Guide To Pregnancy". It was a breath of fresh air after reading so many books on medical terms like "Endodermal germ layer", "Hyperemesis gravidarum" and "Linea nigra" (a straight line of negroes?) The author's descriptions of pregnancy symptons made up the first chapter alone nstead of 5 small lines in a page of other more important information. It gives credibility to the pains and aches I feel and doesn't make me feel like a whiny psycho who does nothing but complain of tiredness, hunger and sore boobs all day long. I give you an excerpt here.....

Chapter One: So, What Makes You Think You're Pregnant?


One of the most common changes in the pregnant woman's body is in her breasts. The newly pregnant woman often gets the same puffy breasts that she gets premenstrually, but the consensus among the Girlfriends is that these breasts are a lot more sensitive. In fact, taking a shower can be agonizing if you face the stream of water, sleeping on your stomach becomes unbearable and if your husband should happen to touch your breasts you will feel completely justified in hitting him with the bedside lamp.......


The tiredness of a newly pregnant woman is like a heaviness or being on nighttime cold medication permanently. One of my Girlfriends, Becky, who sells real estate, was so tired that she fell asleep in the car every single time she went to houses of prospective clients. Fortunately for Becky, she has a partner who did most of the driving. The newly pregnant woman may find herself at work, unable to think of anything but lying down. My Girlfriend Rosemary used to lock her office door and nap on her sofa for a few minutes every day. Those of us who are fortunate enough to actually take a nap sleep like the dead, waking up with blanket creases on our faces, red cheeks and bedhead hair - and usually little more refreshed than we were before. Forget about renting a video for a cozy night in with your husband. You will be snoring by the time the warning not to bootleg the tape and sell it for profit is over. This fatigue can also lead to an inability to stay awake long enough to have sex. Please hand this book to your husband right now.


Its humourous, life-like and yet full of information you'd never squeeze out of even a 400 page book on pregnancy. It takes away the clinical aspect of it all and makes all the pains, aches and whines alright. (at least to ourselves) and more importantly it reassures you and you go "Ok, I'm not going crazy". And sometimes that is all you need. Especially when the slightest things your husband does makes you cry the Nile River and makes you think he will ditch you once your stomach ballons. This is certainly a must-read.

I haven't touched the other 3 books yet but if I find another winner between the covers I'll let you know.

10:03 am | 1 comments


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

So How Come I Don't Feel Pregnant?

I still haven't felt any different (other than the symptoms I mentioned) since I knew I am pregnant. The Doctor said I should thank my lucky stars. But by the 7th week, most expecting women will start feeling nauseous and morning sickness will make its (dreaded) appearance. I hope I do not fall under the category of "most women". It is extremely rare but some women do not suffer morning sickness at all. In any case the good doctor has given me medication just in case. I sure hope I won't need it.

I haven't quite start having cravings yet but when I am hungry I need food FAST!! Otherwise it feels like I haven't had food in 3 days. And I realised I have been pee-ing a bit more often than usual. But thats all quite minor changes. I was kinda expecting the retching and vomitting already. (ok I'm contradicting myself) Umi calls me every 2 hours in the office just to ask how I am (I'm fine, I'm fine!) and every night pesters me to tell her what I feel like eating. He calls me almost every hour (usually its every 2 hours) and asks how baby is doing. I am basking in the spotlight that has suddenly shined on me. This is the time for me to ask for all of those things He has ever said No to. hehe

I make it a point to eat Folic Acid every morning now. Actually I started as soon as I felt different 2 weeks ago but now that I'm preggers I make sure I dun miss any. Initially I took it to increase my fertility but now its to prevent birth defects especially in the early days. I do not need iron tablets as yet as my b/p is ok but I have some at home anyway just in case. Image hosting by Photobucket

On Sunday, we stopped by Afghanistan in Tampines for lunch. We passed by a shop selling fruit and He immediately took my hand and asked me to choose as many fruits as I wanted. He said it'd be good for our baby and began choosing heaps and heaps. I only wanted grapes but they didn't have any seedless ones so I ended up choosing the golden pears and mangoes while he got for himself watermelons. He doesn't quite like fruits and the only fruit he does eat are watermelons so it was quite strange that he was the one who dragged me to the fruit stall but then again fathers-to-be are known to do strange things out of excitement huh?
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I guess slowly the idea that I'm pregnant is sinking it. I'm taking it one step at a time and trying not to feel freaked out when I sit down and imagine how I'd look like at 7 months onwards. (a penguin??, a big bear??, a big fat blob??)
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10:19 am | 1 comments


Monday, April 10, 2006

Its Doubly Positive!!!

Last night after work, we went to the GP to get confirmation of my pregnancy. The kind doctor asked me to describe my symptoms and when I was done he said we dun even need to do the test. He said I am almost certainly pregnant but we'll do it anyway. He asked for antecedent diseases in the family and said I was exposed to a significant risk of contracting gestational diabetes since both my parents have it. He described with great detail what actually happens when an expectant mother contracts diabetes. Let's just say I'm no longer taking any carbonated drinks and greatly reducing my sugar content. Its most certainly a risk not worth taking.

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The doctor's calculation put me at 6 weeks plus instead of the 5 weeks I calculated. But he asks me to see my gynae by the time I'm 8 weeks plus so that scanning can be done and a proper measurement of foetus size be taken to determine the actual dating. I asked his opinion regarding the gynae I'm almost certain of taking and he had nothing but praises for her. Apparently she taught him in med school. (although he did also recommend his wife who is also a gynae)

As earlier planned, we thought of calling my in-laws to share the good news with them but after the doctor's visit, He decided we should go there instead and break the news personally. Needless to say, they were overjoyed beyond words. In fact as soon as we said we came to tell you something, they guessed it and started hugging and kissing us. Even my FIL was excited. My MIL started asking what I wanted to eat and gave a million and one tips on what to do and what not to do. Apparently I'm not supposed to eat cinammon of any kind. I don't know how far it is true but mother's know best so I'm gonna be a dutiful daughter-in-law and listen to her. FIl gave a few more tips to Him how not to hold me in case he triggers off some acupuncture points. We only stayed for 20 mins but they let us go willingly and asked me to rest.

When we reached home, Umi said that she was just on the phone with my MIL. They were congratulating each other and making plans on taking turns to take care of their grandchild. The best part was my MIL asking Umi to take good care of me and asking when Umi was leaving for Pahang so that when she is not around, my MIl can come down to take care of me. The mothers are obviously super-excited. Let's hope they haven't started picking out primary schools yet.

3:47 pm | 0 comments


And Its Positive!!!

We tested last night and its POSITIVE!!! Definitely!!! 2 bold blue lines stared back at us from the pregnancy test kit and no two lines looked more beautiful to us than those two. And we are deliriously HAPPY. He started kissing my tummy and we kssed and hugged. This is certainly the best news we have ever had. Though we have not been stressed up by it, we have most certainly been waiting for this wonderful new phase of our life. We wanted to keep mum about it at first but good news is meant to be shared so we told Umi and she is equally ecstatic. So was M when I sms-ed her. We'll wait for the doctor's confirmation before we tell his parents. The rest will have to wait till we past the 3 mths mark when we will be out of danger (Insya'Allah).
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We have been postponing the pregnancy test for several days now and the first time I tested, the thing failed to work!! Considering the number of times I have worked this thing, its almost embarassing to admit that I fumbled. After I had used the stick, I placed it on the cistern cover of the toilet which was wet. Despite waiting for an eternity the results never did showed except for a hint of the vertical line where it says positive. But we were not so convinced so the next night we bought another pack.

Even if not for the test, deep in my heart I knew something was up. A mother's instinct? Perhaps. One thing was definitely my very late menses. (I was 45 days late but it had happened before) The other was my extremely sore boobies. I remembered reading about sensitive boobs as a symptom of pregnancy. I have also been feeling quite tired lately. He said that almost every night, I slept as soon as my head touched the pillow. Coincidentally, my office extended our hours from 5pm to 6pm so I naturally thought that was the reason why. Even more glaring was the fact that I have been eating quite a larger portion than I usually do. Of course on hindsight, it all looked so obvious and we were silly not to have noticed and guessed but since we were not on so much of a lookout we didn't exactly join the dots.

Still, we are out of our minds and over the moon !!!! Or did I say that already? hehe.

12:12 pm | 4 comments
